Well...as good as 2016 was to Yellow Rose Farm Soap Company, 2017 looks to be even better and busier!!! We were privileged to be able to participate in many festivals throughout the year and even attend several goat shows to show the girls, that produce all the wonderful milk the products come from, off!
In between festivals and farmers markets, we were able to show the farm off to many people with our Goats 101 class and Soap 101 class. We have introduced many NEW and exciting products this year and I am looking forward to producing more this year!!
We finally got the baby products ready for customers who have been waiting so patiently. These products don't contain talcum powder, or artificial ingredients so are super gentle on babies (and even adults) sensitive skin areas. There is Dumplin' Dust (Powder), Baby Bars (bar soap), and Patootie Soothie (irritation prevention cream). You can even get them in a basket with a hand knitted, 100% organic cotton baby sized washcloth!!
Next up for us is an arthritis lotion to help with inflammation (name still pending), and an Argan Oil Hair Leave In (Best in Show Hair Serum). Well, after I get busy remaking all the soaps that I sold out of over the holidays....hee hee...
Our first event is in February this year along with 20 something does to freshen(have babies), Lord help me....what was I thinking??? Anyone is very welcome to come to the farm in February to help feed babies, just let me know when you are available. The only requirement is to wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty and want to help out. Seriously...call me...not kidding....
Happy Soaping and Goating!!!