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Don't forget the fur babies this summer!

Hello my wonderful friends! Just wanted to let you know about some exciting new products for the 4 legged members of your household.

First of the new products is "B'Udder Me Up" nose and paw butter, but it can be used on any "ruff" spots including on you!! I know there are other products on the market, but what makes this SO VERY SPECIAL is it is "Formulated for discerning Southern Dogs".

What does that mean exactly? It means that besides helping to heal noses and paw pads it also contains naturally occurring SPF (Sun Protection Factor), yes you got that right SPF to protect that baby's nose and any other spots that might get a little too much of the sun. (And we all know how that is....OUCH)

So why do you want to use this product? Well, you may have wooden floors...know how your poor baby slips and slides across the floor, digging their nails into the floor, scratching your beautiful hardwoods? Just think of it this way...If your feet are nice and soft, you don't slide near as much when walking barefoot across those floors; works the same for your pup.

Want to take your dog for a boat ride, or hiking, or just a run or walk? Protect their exposed skin just like you do to prevent possible cancer causing UVA or UVB rays from attacking.

"B'Udder Me UP" protects against UVA and UVB rays with natural oils like: Wheatgerm that has an SPF of around 30, Soybean Oil SPF around 20, Coconut Oil SPF around 15, and of course for UVA and UVB Zinc Oxide. These ingredients are human grade and LICK SAFE!

Also helps with dryness from conditions like hyperkeratosis. Soaks in quickly so dogs won't mind it.

The other new product for your fur baby is "Paw Defense" Paw Protection Wax. Speficially formulated for hot asphalt. Don't worry about taking your dog for a walk. Protect their paws with "Paw Defense". This product can be used to prevent paws from becoming burned during the summer. No reason for your baby to stay home. Also, use this during the winter months...oh who am I kidding, what winter??? But this stuff helps to protect their paws from harmful salt on the roads and becoming frost bitten while walking in snow and ice.

"Paw Defense" is made with the strongest natural wax available, Carnauba Wax. Carnauba wax is mixed with beeswax to make if pliable for applying to your dogs paws. Also apply some to the fur between the paw pads to keep ice and snow from building up on their feet.

Buy both of these products and keep your four legged house member nice and supple all year!

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